The Ant and Me
by Rex Miller
I opened up my palm to see an ant
waving all his arms in such a rant.
Bending close, to my surprise, I heard a voice,
it seemed this little ant he had no choice.
I don't know why I left the path and then
my giant feet had trampled on his den.
The little ant explained they'd built a nest
but now a crumpled mess he must protest.
Deep down I knew my feet had done me wrong
when walking where I just did not belong
if only I had stayed upon the path
this ant might be at home sat in the bath.
I felt so sorry for this little chap
I took him home and sat him on my lap
then once asleep I placed him on my bed
and even let him cuddle up to ted,
I knew right then the ant and me were friends
I hoped a life with me might make amends.